Take A Stand!

Current Issues

Run for office, write letters to the Editor, contact your Legislators.  You can make a difference!

Allways looking for help in researching and setting up content. If you want to contribute, please contact mnpatriots@gmail.com

Contact your Legislators Regarding This Issue! Encourage others to do the same! 

Follow the Bills through the MN House and Senate!  Send in Written Testimony or sign up and testify in person at the Committee Hearings! 

There are a number of Key legislators.  

Here is their contact info and the cities they represent.

Contact these Statesmen!  

Look through the list to see if you have any contacts in their district

Spread the word!  

These key legislators NEED to hear from their voters!!!

Legislators take note if even 5 people call in regarding a bill on the same day. 

 Your Voice matters!  

Vulnerable DFL Districts.pdf

Focused Prayer

1- Softening of hearts and courage for DFL legislators to vote with their constituents and the MN majority instead of sole partisan politics.

2- For Wisdom, Strength and encouragement for those law makers working to protect the life Liberty of Minnesotans

3- Pray for awareness that these bills will spread across MN!

4- Pray people will have the motivation to contact their legislators regarding this legislation!

5- pray for a Spiritual Revival and Awakening to sweep MN and turn into a Political Renewal.

Christians are called to be In the World but not Of it.  This includes both Social and Civic Responsibility.  

Government effects culture and visa versa.  Being a light in this dark world includes Political Ministry.